The Belgrade Theatre presents The Spirit of Coventry,
the Opening Ceremony for the International Children's Games
The Belgrade Theatre’s Special Projects and Events Team has a
long track record of producing large-scale outdoor events in
Coventry, including the “Millennium Mysteries” and
“The Mysteries 2003” in the Cathedral Ruins and
“Firebird”, a New Year’s Eve Celebration in
Millennium Place in 2003.
The team was delighted to be asked to produce the Opening Ceremony
for this prestigious event and recognised it as an event that would
offer a number of wonderful opportunities. Firstly, it offers a
chance to invest in the ingenuity and creative skills of artists
living and working in the city. It’s also a chance to work
with a large number of participants, many of whom have never been
involved in creating and performing before.
It’s an opportunity to create a memorable and
extraordinary spectacle that tells the unique story of Coventry to
international visitors and to local people; to further develop the
City as a producer of major events and to help build the profile of
the City as a cultural centre and a leader in world peace and
reconciliation. An event on this scale is also a chance to bring
together local artists, organisations and businesses working in
partnership to share skills and resources to create an
extraordinary event for Coventry.

The Spirit of Coventry is about celebration and welcoming the
world to our great city and this generosity of spirit has been
echoed in the positive way in which our many funding partners and
sponsors have embraced the International Children’s Games and
worked with us to make it happen. Without their support it would
not have been possible to put on the scale of spectacle that such a
great event deserves.
The funding partners are Coventry City
Council, Belgrade Theatre, Belgrade Plaza, European Regional
Development Fund, Advantage West Midlands, Arts Council of England,
CVOne, Creative Partnerships and Thomsonfly.com.
It has been immense fun working on this event and an artistic
and logistical challenge which has tested the team, and the many
artists and technical staff working with us to the limits.
It’s brought together some 1100 performers, including 100
drummers, 100 singers, dancers, cheerleaders, actors, musicians,
pyrotechnicians, choreographers, gymnasts and aerialists, with 1500
costumes, 10 floats and backpacks created by a team of 25 makers
and designers, inspired and aided by 500 young people from Coventry
Schools who joined in with the Creative Partnerships Spirit of
Coventry Producers and Curators Project.

Our deep felt thanks to all those who have given their time,
creative energy and amazing commitment and above all belief in this
extraordinary project. Creative Coventry has a wealth of talent, a
vibrant artistic community – we have worked with just a
small part of it. Thanks to all the dancers – Freeman Dance,
Rhapsody Academy of Dance, Hulme Academy of Dance, Alaine
Academy,Michelle Lievers, Belgrade Youth Theatre, Bromwell Academy
of Dance, Kombat Breakers, Cov Squad Cheerleaders, Gravity’s
Angels, Cov Youth Dance, Celtica, the performers, Highly Sprung,
Freeman Saturday Group, the Community Group, to our
choir,Worldsong, and our drummers, Coventry School of Samba, Phase
One, Masterclass and Dhol First, and all our snare players, and
Spitfire Pyrotechnics and all
our schools on the Creative Partnership project – Earlsdon,
Finham Park and Finham Primary, Styvechale, Ernesford Grange, St.
Bartholomews, Pearl Hyde, Southfields, Courthouse Green, and
Hillfields Early Learning Centre, and all their hardworking and
committed teachers and to all our individual community performers
and professional performers.
Also, thanks to a fantastic professional team of artists,
choreographers, composers, musical directors, designers,
makers, technicians,managers, administrators, co-ordinators, and
chaperones – and our partners in all this, Jai Purewal and
his team at the Butts Arena, Sarah Jackson and the Performing Arts
Service, Jo Trowsdale and Creative Partnerships, John Timms and the
team at Montgomery Leisure Services, Brian Parker and his team on
the City Council opening ceremony committee and John McGuigan and
his office, Coventry University and NP Aerospace, Allesley Press,
all those who sit on our advisory group, the Belgrade staff, CVOne,
Kix and Mercia and everyone who has contributed in some way to this
Thank you for coming on the journey with us and making
Jane Hytch – Producer and Kathi Leahy – Creative
Belgrade Special Projects and Events Team

Creative Partnerships
As well as the many young Coventry athletes taking part in
the International Children’s Games, many of Coventry’s
school children have been part of the opening event thanks to a
special collaboration between the Belgrade Theatre, Creative
Partnerships and Coventry schools.
Ten schools from across the city have worked closely with carnival
artists to research and design moving pieces of art that are being
used in the Opening Ceremony, the Godiva Carnival and then as part
of an interactive public art exhibition in the autumn.
Through this process, many of the children have also turned their
hands to ‘making’ through making backpacks and costumes
during school camps, as well as performing, with many of the
participants performing in The Spirit of Coventry during the
opening ceremony.The creative process will be filmed and documented
to provide a lasting legacy and resource for schools interested in
developing young people as curators and producers of public
Order of Events
18.30 |
Audience enters |
19.30 |
Kix and Mercia Sound introduce the
athletes |
19.35 |
Athletes are led into the arena and seated
on benches on the pitch |
20.00 |
Official opening ceremony and speeches by
dignitaries |
20.30 |
Opening spectacle |
20.40 |
Kix and Mercia Sound introduce local
performers |
21.10 |
The Spirit of Coventry - a spectacular
theatrical carnival capturing the story of old and new Coventry
through the eyes of a child |
22.10 |
Firework display by Spitfire
Pyrotechnics |
22.25 |
Farewell to the atheletes |
22.30 |
Finish |