Celia Brackenridge
Celia runs her own research-based consultancy company,
specialising in child protection and gender equity issues in sport
and leisure. Celia has worked at Sheffield Hallam and
Gloucestershire Universities and is an honorary visiting professor
in the Centre for Applied Childhood Studies at Huddersfield
University. She is an accredited BASES researcher and Chairs the
CPSU Research Task Force. In 2001 she published Spoilsports:
Understanding and Preventing Sexual Exploitation in Sport
In her keynote address, Celia will provide an overview of the
state of knowledge of children's rights and welfare in sport and
set out an international agenda for action.
Steve Boocock
Steve is Director of the Child Protection in Sport Unit. After
taking a degree in Applied Social Sciences he trained as a
Probation Officer and then worked developing and delivering sex
offender treatment programmes. Before taking up his CPSU role, he
was a Senior Probation Officer in Wiltshire, and involved in the
development of the Aggression Replacement Training programme. He
has been involved in the development and support of sexual abuse
survivor projects and has developed and delivered a wide range of
child protection training programmes.
Steve will use his keynote speech to launch his Unit's new
Strategy for Safeguarding Children in Sport